Sunday, June 27, 2010

Rock N Roll

Have you ever had a dream about doing something but thought it would never happen because you thought it would be virtually impossible?
I fact I have a few of those dreams. But yesterday, June 26th 2010, one of those dreams was fulfilled. I completed my first half marathon! It was such a surreal was amazing! I couldn't believe I actually signed up to do it and thought I would never go through with it...especially after I injured myself taking me out of the last 3 weeks of training. But I did it. Actually, WE did it. I felt peace...which definitely could have only come from God...and I had an amazing running buddy to keep me going. Thank you don't know how much this meant to me. I feel SO accomplished! I had never run more than 4 miles before this year....and to think I would run 13.1 before the end of it! If you have a it. It may not be an enjoyable experience getting there, but when you fulfill that dream everything you went through to get it is worth it.
Linds and I with our medals after the race:
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Fitness Idea #3:
Check your shoes!! How old are your sneakers? If you can't remember the last time your got them, it's time to switch. If you use them for running make sure to get one size bigger to allow those toes to spread!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Family Reunion

We just returned from a fabulous family reunion in Scottsdale, AZ! We had so much fun catching up with family...I haven't seen most of them in 10 years plus and Caleb hadn't met the majority of them!! There were about 15 of us cousins, 6 official/unofficial new members (spouses/significant others), 5 newest additions (kids), 7 uncles and aunts, 1 grandma and her new husband and his family! The whole gathering was put on by grandma as a celebration of her new marriage! It was wonderful!

Cousin time: I love Jaci! She lives in IN...hadn't seen her in almost 4 years!

Love these next two: Levi enjoying some swim time in the 100 degree weather!

Luke and I had a blast playing in the water! He had no fear! By the end of the trip he was trying to swim on his own without a life vest!
The trip was way too short...we only had 2 full days in AZ. But it was TOTALLY worth it! I am so excited for the next reunion!

I had to put these flowers in here...I love Gerber daisies. These are from a super sweet co-worker and friend of mine. Thank you for brightening my day Sally! These are still alive...I'm loving them! I see them every time I walk down from my car!

Fitness Idea #2:
Enhance your stretching with a massage! This helps with injury prevention. This is a great tool to use in addition to the foam roller. I just bought this exact one at the Rock N Roll Marathon Expo.

Craft Idea #2:

Make your own block letters! This does take time and a scroll saw which I know a lot of people don't have. All you have to do is print off a font you want in the size of letter you want, lightly glue it onto some cheap wood or partical board, cut it out with the saw, sand down, spray paint, then drill a hole in the back so you can hang!

Friday, June 11, 2010

There's always more...

So I may be going a bit overboard with this blog ordeal! Yikes! Well, I realized I have not updated anything about this month, June...

I went to a fun Mariner's game with my friend Kristin and a friend of hers. Kristin has some connections so we had SWEET seats in the 100 level! Even though the good 'ole Mariners lost, we still had a blast!

Favorite player:

Sweet view:

Great company!

We also had a couple fun days with our nieces!

New golfer of the family:

Walking before we know it!

Next scrapbooker of the fam:

Nilla enjoys craft time too!

Oh...and extremely important news...I am now a GOLD STAR MEMBER with Starbucks...oh geez. Just what I need: more incentive to blow money on expensive caffeinated beverages!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I just deleted a ton of pictures I was going to use for this post...I searched for hours for the PERFECT pix, but I then realized that there were WAY too many! So, instead of posting ALL of those pix of the past 2 years how about I explain what has happend!

August: We moved up to Seatac and moved in with Caleb's grandparents

September: I started my first training job as a ladies outdoor fitness instructor!

October: My nephew's 1st birthday! It was a farm themed celebration! No pix of the birthday but look at this progression over the last couple years of the little buddy (Luke):

November: Ran my first 5k, The Turkey Trot! Go here to look at my race pix:

December: First cruise for Caleb, 3rd for me! (can't find my pix but there are some on facebook!)

January: Can't think of anything exciting, other than the introduction of 2009!

February: My oldest niece Baylee turned 2! Theme was Elmo/Sesame Street but again no pictures...but here are some cute ones of her! (the first pic is Luke and Baylee with Auntie steph and Uncle Caleb, Christmas 2007)

March: Caleb turned 23...and got accepted to both grad schools he applied for: UW and UPS (He chose UPS)

April: I started working for 24 hour fitness as a personal trainer.

May: Got to see my friend Ashlie for her birthday! We went to a Mariner's game! Unfortunately I can't find my pix.

June: Not sure what happened this month...

July: I turned 23! I didn't feel well most of the day...go figure...but a group of friends and family took me out to BJ's for dinner! I love that restaurant! Here's a pic of me after work enjoying gifts sent from mom!

Also in July we celebrated our 3rd Anniversary in Seattle! We went to Pike's Place and the Melting Pot...Yum!

August: Allie Rae was born! She had Uncle Caleb wrapped around her little finger from the moment he laid eyes on her. These pictures were taken in February 2010.

September: Nick's 28th bday...wasn't there to celebrate with him though :o(

October: Nephew Luke turns 2! Theme was Cars...he was adorable! I wish I had pictures of the party.

November: Happy Thanksgiving! No Turkey Trot this year...actually I had to work! 24 hour Fitness is open EVERY day of the year except Christmas Day...great for those who like to workout 364 days of the year, not-so-great for those who don't want to work on major holidays.

December: Mom got married in Portland! I got to witness it along with Sophie and Blake (Troy's kids) and a few other family memebers. Then Caleb and I celebrated Christmas in California with my sister and her family, Dad and Nick! Pictures are of the wedding day!

January: Yay for 2010!

February: Baylee turns 3! Themed birthday was Ariel/Little Mermaid.
Baylee Joy the Pretty Princess and Allie Rae the Sleeping Beauty:

March: Caleb turned 24! Lots of family met up with us at Red Robin to celebrate and surprise him with the gift of money to get a PS3 (which he is currently playing as I type this!)

Also in March, my nephew Levi was born:

April: We surprised my sister-in-law for her birthday by making her a big scrapbook full of pictures and letters from friends and fam!!

May: We went cruisin' with Carnival! Caleb's 2nd and my 4th! There are lots of pictures on facebook!

Whew...that was way too much. I have decided that with each post I am going to share a fitness idea and a craft idea...okay maybe not with EVERY post, but I will do my best!

Fitness idea #1: STRETCH! If you do not have a regular stretching routine, make one. If you do not have a foam roller, purchase one! If you do not know how to use one, ask someone who does or go online and look how to use it! It's important to stay limber to avoid injury!!

Craft Idea #1: Make a diaper cake...there are plenty of babies being born! This is a great gift can get pricey so maybe go in on the items with a few people. Here is one I made for a shower:

Made of NB diapers, receiving blankets, monkey with velcro hands, baby soaps/lotions (inside the cake too), bath cloths (to make the flowers in the front), wooden letters (for the name), and pins to hold it all together!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It's been awhile...

I haven't posted anything on this site in a very long time!! I'm not even sure if anyone reads it anymore! Updates on life in the past two years will be coming soon...what's happening now, you ask?:
*We are still living in the basement of g-ma and g-pa Louvier...not sure if we are ever going to move!...I'm slowly coming to terms with this
*I am still a personal trainer...I've been with 24 hour fitness for almost 14 months, although it feels like its been 10 years in some regards
*My family is still spread out...sister in Cali, brother in Utah, mom in Oregon, and dad and I are here in Washington
*G-pa Louvier is very sick...please pray for him if you are reading this!

Pictures and more updates to come! :o)